The Gauteng Story

The City’s ever-expanding dance scene has made it an increasingly appealing and affordable option to make a living as a  professional dancer! 

dance gauteng

When locals talk about Johannesburg or Pretoria, they often say outsiders won’t understand its appeal unless they move there for themselves. Tourists sites and safaris may bring thousands of visitors to the area, but reveal little of its artistic character. Dancers in South Africa thrive on the country’s vibrancy it’s expanding, yet intimate, arts community with both traditional and contemporary voices. For years national companies like Mzansi Ballet, and Jburg Ballet have anchored the dance scene, while Craig Bullock’s Dance Web, El’Shebang, Chace Dance Company shake things up!


There have been more and more dancers relocating to Pretoria and Johannesburg  for the dance scene lately,  to take advantage of it’s lower cost of living and cheaper studio rentals. The abundance of dance education options plays the biggest role. Dancers come to train at TUT, National School for the Arts, Dance Web Studios, and Chace Dance.

dance web studios


When thinking of relocating due to underestimating the dance industry in this area, take a step back and really think. The grass isn’t always greener on the other side.