Food for your Mood

The general population knows that many different factors can affect our mood at any moment of your day. However, an increasing amount of research is showing there to be a direct connection between the nutrients we eat during the day to the way we feel, cope, and react to different events on that same day. This may seem a strange idea, but it makes perfect sense if you think about it! Our emotional responses are strongly related to our brain health and chemistry. For dancers, moods can have a significant impact on their training methods, technique quality, and motivation levels.

The main brain chemical that is responsible for a person’s moods is serotonin, which is produced in the body from tryptophan (an amino acid that aids the body’s process to break down protein). Serotonin is mainly produced in the gastrointestinal tract, thus the foods we eat plays a major role in the levels of serotonin in the body. When you don’t have enough serotonin you become lethargic, minor depression, increased anxiety, and difficulties with sleep. But mostly, low serotonin levels makes a person crave high energy carbs like no tomorrow!

Mood Food


1. Not enough protein

2. Low-calorie diets and skipping meals

3. Not enough sunlight

4. Periods of high stress

5. Chemicals in food such as caffeine, alcohol, or artificial sweeteners

6. Genetics

mood eating

SO WHICH FOODS can help you mood?

1. Yogurt and fruit

2. Nuts, seeds, dried fruit mix

3. Whole grain Crackers

4. Baked Beans

5. Canned tuna, or Salmon


So next time you feel like a quick snack, try to choose wisely. You never know, you may start to feel better about yourself!