Drizzle Fo Shizzle

Four oils that give you body a healthy boost!

Dancers tend to avoid all fat in their diet and what some don’t realize is your body actually needs to consume a healthy amount of fat to function. “Fat plays an essential role in the absorption of vitamins A, E, D, and K, which are key for bone health and the immune system,” says Emily Cook Harrison (DM). “The body uses fat as building blocks. Plus fat can be used as fuel along with carbohydrates when dancing requires endurance.”

So what are healthy fat sources and how much should you consume? Fat has an average of nine calories per gram compared to protein’s four. This goes to show a little bit can go a long way! Company directors, nutritionists, and dance teachers recommend getting only 25 percent of your daily calories from fat; a small amount for long distance. Using oils to season food can be a nutritious way to make sure you get enough in a healthy way, and there’s no need to stick to the usual olive oil. There are many various heart healthy, omega packed, oils out there such as canola oil, sunflower seed oil, macadamia oil, flaxseed oil, and more! But here our Chace Dance Company’s four favorite oils to drizzle over meals.

coconut oil

Coconut Oil
Pure Virgin coconut oil is a saturated fat, consume it in moderation. The body absorbs this very rapidly, in which case it can serve as a quick source for fuel (instead of always grabbing the chocolate). Coconut oil is an immune booster as well, and an excellent source of lauric acid (for cholesterol). Use it for baking, or spooned right into your yogurt, oatmeal, or frying pan! It can withstand high heat and does not need to be refrigerated which is a plus for being in South Africa.

walnut oil

Walnut Oil
This is delicate with a nutty flavor and has many benefits. Walnut oil is packed with nutritional value of omega 3’s, vitamin K (bone health), and vitamin E. Plus walnut oil is a natural melatonin which will help improve sleep. Studies have shown a correlation between using walnut oil and lower blood pressure, also lowering the risk if heart disease. Because of its strong flavor, a small amount will be all you need to season a salad or meat dish. This oil has a short shelf life so will need to be stored in the refrigerator.

flaxseed oil

Flaxseed Oil
Touted by many as a more palatable alternative to fish oil, flaxseed oils carries many anti-inflammatory properties. In other words, perfect oil alternative for dancers! It is rich in omega 3s to help with brain function and lower the risk of heart disease. Go for the unfiltered options which tend to offer more nutrients. Flaxseed oil is a good substitute for cooking oil, but works great in pesto, humus, and salad dressings. This oil is perishable so store in the fridge with your walnut oil.

sesame seed oil

Sesame Oil
Nothing jazzes up a dish like sesame oil! Especially asian soy vinaigrette! This also is a host to health benefits, like helping lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Added nutrients included vitamin E and K. Some studies connect consuming sesame seed oil with reducing high blood pressure and artery plaque. THis oil works well for stove top cooking, baking, and dressings.