A Working Class Dancer- When should you dance for free?

For a dancer anywhere in the world, there are certain places and opportunities that come along in your career that may sound like a dream come true, only to find out there is little or no compensation. It is dramatically important to ask the choreographer or director contacting you about the compensation before committing to a project. Not balancing your dancers happiness to work with you will lead to resentment, and  them feeling like their time is not respected.


Fair or not, most dancers, like many other artists will inevitable work for free or very little pay in their careers. When you are first starting out, an unpaid apprenticeship or placement in a company with a distinguished choreographer can give you valuable experience and knowledge that could lead you to other jobs; projects with friends that can offer a rehearsal cup of coffee could lead you to creative fulfillment; a voluntary gig at a well-known venue could enhance your resume. All of these are still great gains to your career, the key word to keep in mind is balance, because we all still have bills to pay at the end of the day.


All of the Chace Dance Company dancers have other work outlets where they receive their main income, usually through teaching or managing their own dance studios. This gives all of them a window of a regular salary, and still an oppertunity to be creatively challenged through  company rehearsals. Since this company is still so young and in its planting phase, CDC offers a rotating rehearsal stipend between dancers, a long with endorsements of clothing from TamTam Dancewear, and free classes and workshops. “South Africa is a country with so many more important issues to deal with, there is just no funding available for arts.. Or they invest it in youth dance programs, but where do these dancers go for work there after? Leading company’s to fend for themselves.” It is extremely hard to survive as a dance company in a third world country. Dancers have to work all day every day just to make enough money to survive, and we can’t help but love what we do and only want to do it more. It’s hard to find people with that obsession and passion for their craft, and all dancers have that intanse drive in them.


Having a side job whether it is teaching, waitressing, or secretary work, gives dancers the chance to work on projects and come together as artists. But always make sure when doing so, that the project benefits you as a dancer and a person in some other amazing way as mentioned above. You end up building such great relationships when working together in a creative environment.


If you are interested in becoming a company donor to help keep our talented dance company alive in South Africa. Please see our donations tab on the website on how you can donate. Or simply contact the artist director at TamraLChace@gmail.com

Smart Spending For Dancers

5 things you should consider doing with your money!


Financial planning for dancers is almost non-existent. Dancers think along the lines of how to pinch pennies each day. But what about when you begin to earn a steadier income? Whether it be patching freelance work together with company work, or teaching full-time, plus another part-time gig, you should develop a financial strategy.

Budgeting may seem a daunting task. But realistic planning will prove more valuable particularly when you hit common hurdles in a dancer’s life such as unemployment or worse… injury! “Our profession is fleeting. One day you could be healthy, the next you could have a torn ACL., ” says Ariana Debose from Broadway’s Motown.

Health insurance should be number one on your list of expenses, so when you do get injured, it will ease the financial hurt and pain of paying. There are many other financial priorities too, setting aside money for taxes and retirement, to spending wisely on daily expenses such as rent and classes. Planning carefully will only help you make the most of your income.

1. Develop a Savings Plan

As a dancer it is common to face extended breaks for long periods of time between gigs. In these situations, a rainy day money account can turn to be a huge help. It is recommended dancers should have six months expenses saved away! Everyone wants some form of stability, and putting away a mere 10% of each paycheck is the least you can do to reach that goal of saving.

2. Account for Taxes 

For everyone (especially dancers) tax season can be quite stressful. Setting aside some of your untaxed income will also lessen the blow when it comes time to pay up. Whether you are a full-time or part-time dance employee, make sure you understand the tax deductions. Anything that is going to help for your career is going to be deductible. That may include everything from dance shoes, classes, make up, to headshots! But you have to be able to prove these purchases… So keep your records organized with receipts and bank statements, this is a must!


3. Pay for Continuing Education

Investing time and effort into developing new skills as an early dancer may seem unnecessary, but it will help you in the long run.  When Logan Kruger (dancer with Limon Company) started working the front desk at a Pilates studio to help pay for his classes on discount she says, “it was completely strategic,” Not only did she learn a new valuable skill, she can provide herself with financial support during a career change if the need ever comes. Plus, Kruger was able to deduct Pilates classes off her taxes!

4. Plan for Retirement

When you are young retirement must be the last thing on your mind. But the earlier you start contributing to this fund the better! This makes it easier to save small doses over a long period of time, instead of taking out larger percentages for retirement when you are older… Opening a retirement account will help you keep on track, with a normal savings account you take out money at any time, with a retirement account you cannot touch it for decades without penalties.


5. Spend to Save 

Afer living on so little for so long, you will naturally want to enjoy your influx of cash. Rather than completely altering your lifestyle and budget, just remember that small luxuries can go a long way. Instead of eating out, cook most of your meals at home. There are many smaller increases you can make in your life instead of splurging. This will help you stick to your plan and financial goals.